Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of it all

Everything seems to be ending. This school year, so many friendships I've had, and sometimes I wish my life would too.

School... I hated it so much but now that it is coming to a close I wish that I could go back and tell myself not to take it all for granted. I'm really very lucky to have gone to this school, to knwo these people, and to get this education. I know only one of my classmates reads this blog, but I feel like I should have some sort of goodbye on here.

So goodbye. I will miss you all, and I will remember all of you for at least some period of time but I cannot garantee forever. I will try though, because I'll miss you like crazy =)

Friends... The people I consider my best friends-Rene, Anton, Cindy.
Rene- Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. You are truly a miracle. I cannot tell you how damn lucky I am to know you. I know you think you aren't good enough sometimes, but honey, you are the best. <333333!!!!!
Anton- I'm really angry at you right now, and I have spent a lot of my time angry at you this year but I still love you. Even if you are a total asshole.
Cindy- You're WEIRD! =) I love being *dirty* with you hehe and I love calling you Cindy because it annoys you but it's cuz I love your face off! :D


I'm getting depressed again.

I'll post again later if I get my thoughts together.
Good bye and I love you!

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