Thursday, November 11, 2010


Day one: I flew down to Saint Louis with Daisy and her family. After we checked into our hotel which was totally awesome (IT HAD AN OLD FASHIONED POPCORN MAKER IN THE LOBBY!!!) And then we went to a library concert which was very super fun. :)Then I went to sleep. ^^

Day two: We drove down to Potosi and chilled at the Trout Lodge and made friends and such :) Then there were three more bands that played so I danced and sang a shit-ton and such :)

Day three: There was hardly a break between concerts. It was sooo much fun! After the final concert ended at about 10:30 there was a dance party and it was super fun! I was singing and dancing nonstop so by the end my voice was completely gone and my feet felt like they were going to fall off. I ended up going back to the room around 2:30.

Day four: losing my voice the previous day wasn't a good idea. I had to perform on Sunday and I was like... croaking. haha but I think people had fun anyways. We made them all dance ^^ And we got a most enthusiastic band prize. 'Twas fun! there were even more concerts then... and I lost my voice even more. Then we had a bonfire and it was sooo fun! I drank a tiny bit, but not enough for anyone to notice. So it was okay :)

Day five: I said goodbye to everyone, drove back to Saint Louis and flew home. THE END!

haha it was a superfabulous weekend. That was last weekend, by the way.

So, when I got back to school on Tuesday (sad face) people started pissing me off. but more on that later, cuz the bell just rang.

eat cake!

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